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Hey There, I'm Kimberley.

I'm glad you stopped by. I offer one-on-one CIRS coaching and consulting services to assist and guide you through the Shoemaker protocol! I want you to be able to enjoy life again, not just get through the day. When you are ready to get to know each other better, book your FREE 15 minute discovery call here!

My CIRS Story:

I want you to know that I see you. I understand what you are going through. And it’s really tough.

I was sick for many, many years. To be honest, I can’t completely remember the last time I felt “normal.” Maybe middle school. Or even elementary school.
In high school, I didn’t realize I felt as bad as I did. I remember one day standing with my friends having a feeling of not really knowing where I was. It was almost as if I didn’t know what was happening around me. I now know that was disorientation and brain fog.



In college, I blamed my fatigue and brain fog on the late nights, drinking, and poor diet (which definitely didn’t help!). The straw that broke the camel’s back was a night-shift job. I have not had a normal day since (to give you an idea on timeline, I left that job in 2011).


After that, I spent many years experimenting on myself. I tried many different diets (Whole30, paleo, Wahl’s protocol, vegetarian, keto, carnivore just to name a few), many different supplements (different vitamins, protein powders, mushroom teas), and many different lifestyle changes (lifting weights, yoga, meditation, cold showers, emphasis on sleep). While some helped and I felt slightly better, nothing fixed my issues, and that debilitating fatigue and brain fog were always there.


​One day in the spring of 2023, I was listening to a Nutrition with Judy podcast, and she was explaining how she works with some of the sickest out there (i.e. those with CIRS). I remember thinking, “Oh, those poor people.” Later on, she was talking about symptoms, and she mentioned static shocks. Wh-Wh-Wh-What?!?! Cue the record scratch. That’s not normal??​ But I get those all the time!

​I quickly checked myself against the different symptom clusters… 13 of 13! I’m a winner! Oh, wait…


I followed that with the VCS test, which, spoiler alert, I failed. I then ordered my CIRS bloodwork through Nutrition with Judy. I vividly remember opening my email to find “You have CIRS.” The feelings of happiness and relief washed over me. Finally! A reason behind my severe brain fog and fatigue. A reason why I don’t sleep well and my digestion never works correctly. A reason why I get shocked all the time especially in the winter. Then the feelings of overwhelm, loneliness, and dread started to creep in. I could barely think, and I knew there was so much to do to be able to heal.


That’s where my team came in. I found a wonderful Shoemaker practitioner (Dr Jacki Meinhardt – shout out to her!), the CIRS group (the community has been huge), and my amazing husband, who has and still is supporting me all the way through.


Fast forward to now, I am finishing up the final steps… I’m finally on the full dose of VIP and, even though I still have some hard days, I'm feeling better and better every day. Even with my amazing team behind me, it was still a long and sometimes lonely road. I don’t want you to feel that way. I am here to create a space that is compassionate, non-judgemental, and supportive for healing. I will be here whenever you need me, every step of way.

My Credentials:​

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